Mehak Dhamija

Stories: 6

Stories by name

Mafia’s Badass Girl
Mafia’s Badass Girl
He was rude, arrogant, aggressive, ruthless and dominating Mafia Boss, a frightening man. The whole world was under his feet. Nobody had ever dared to disobey him except one girl. Everybody was afraid of him but except one girl, that girl was badass, she was afraid of nothing in the world, she was a warrior, confident, fearless and brave businesswomen. She was the first girl who wasn't afraid of the Mafia boss; she had the audacity to challenge him, refuse his orders, argue with him, and flirt with him. In the beginning, he was annoyed that why she wasn't afraid of him and disobeying him. He tried everything to scare her, but she always shocked him with her braveness and boldness. He was finding her weaknesses and in the end, he himself became her first and only weaknesses and she became his badass girl. A girl who was a pain in the ass of the mafia boss, how she became his badass girl? How he became ready to leave everything to protect her and to spend the rest of his life with her peacefully and how that girl changed the Mafia boss? If you want to know, then read the story of an arrogant Mafia boss and his badass girl. *** His hands were roaming all over her bareback, arousing her and sending chills down her spine. She ground herself against his crotch, forgetting about the whole world. She was melting with his touch. She breathed in the heat of the moment, "if this is the consequences of disobeying your order, then I'll always disobey you." His lips curved into a smile against her lips. This time he cupped her face and kissed her very softly and chastely. "I like you and I want to make you my badass girl." She froze at her place and her eyes dilated in shock, she couldn't believe that he just confessed so lovingly that he likes her. She was dazed. She couldn't believe that in front of her eyes, a ruthless mafia boss is standing. ***
El maestro caliente
El maestro caliente
La Serie Caliente (Libro 2) Soy su Amo Ardiente, su Novio Ardiente y su Profesor Ardiente; ella es mi Princesa y siempre lo seguirá siendo. *** Ella levantó las pestañas y se disculpó. "Lo siento," La interrumpí, cortando sus palabras. "No quiero tus disculpas. Me has herido y ahora mereces un castigo. Para que no vuelvas a cometer el mismo error." Me acerqué a ella y le dije, mirándola con peligrosidad. "No quiero que vuelvas a poner tu vida en peligro porque no puedo permitirme perderte, Princesa." Tras terminar de hablar, la aparté. "Quiero que estés en mi sala de juegos lista para mí en cinco minutos," ordené y salí de la habitación tras cerrar la puerta con furia. Siempre que se trata de mi Princesa, pierdo el control. No puedo dejar que ponga su vida en peligro otra vez porque no puedo perderla. Ella es todo mi mundo.
El profesor caliente
El profesor caliente
La serie "Hot" (Libro 1) Historia de un profesor enigmático, una chica rebosante de vida y el misterioso Sr. Extraño. ***** No se limita a besarme; siento que, a través de su beso tierno y delicado, me transmite cuánto me ama. Sus manos descendieron por mi columna y se aferraron a mi cintura. Me atrajo hacia él hasta que no quedó ni un resquicio de espacio entre nosotros. Nuestros pechos se rozaron, avivando el deseo mutuo. Puedo sentir los latidos de su corazón contra el mío. Me está robando el aliento y, al mismo tiempo, me está infundiendo el suyo. Está sustrayendo mi alma con cada respiración. **** ​ Me regaló una sonrisa cuando todos los estudiantes se habían ido; desvié la mirada para mostrarle mi enojo fingido. Caminó hacia la puerta y la cerró con un golpe. "Señor, ¿qué está haciendo?" pregunté con dramatismo mientras él echaba la llave. Se giró, sus labios dibujaban una sonrisa traviesa. "Necesito un tiempo a solas con mi alumna," dijo con un tono insinuante mientras se acercaba a mí, mirándome fijamente, con deseos palpables en sus cautivadores ojos negros. Mi corazón se aceleró, anticipando lo que podría hacerme. La idea de pasar un rato a solas con mi atractivo profesor en el aula me emociona, me llena de expectativa. Lo miro con ansias. "Pero tu alumna favorita todavía está enojada contigo," dije, girando mi rostro para ocultarle mi expresión mientras él se paraba frente a mí. "Entonces su profesor tendrá que encontrar la manera de aplacar a su alumna favorita," murmuró, sosteniendo mi barbilla con su pulgar e índice. Al girar mi rostro hacia él, puse cara de enfado. "¿Ah, sí? ¿Y cuáles serían esas maneras?" repliqué con descaro, quitándole la mano de mi barbilla. De repente, agarró mi cintura desnuda, y un escalofrío me recorrió al sentir su tacto. Me levantó del suelo y me sentó sobre el escritorio. Nos miramos fijamente a los ojos con pasión, en un silencio absoluto; el único sonido era el palpitar de nuestros corazones. Se acercó a mis labios, mirándome con ternura. Su aliento cálido acariciaba mi rostro.
Desire To Control Her
Desire To Control Her
He was the strictest Dom, he loved to control women. She was a free bird and didn't want anybody to control her. He was into BDSM stuff and she despised it with all her heart. He was looking for a challenging submissive and she was a perfect match but this girl wasn't ready to accept his offer since she lived her life without any rules and regulations. She wanted to fly high like a free bird without any limitations. He had this burning desire to control her because she could be a perfect choice but she was a tough nut to crack. He was getting crazy to make her his submissive, controlling her mind, soul and body. Will their fate fulfil his desire to control her? Or will this desire transform into the desire of making her his? To get your answers dive into the heartwarming and intense journey of the hottest and strictest Master you will ever find and his innocent little butterfly. *** "I flared up by looking at the person like you." "What do you mean by this?" "I mean you're a Dominant who controls people's lives and I hate it." "You don't know anything, butterfly. At least experience it, then hate it." "It will be better if I throw you out of the cafe by kicking your ass." His eyes widened a bit in shock. "This will also be a new experience for me." I grinned. "Butterfly, you will regret it if you ever do this to me or even say this to me again." His tone became stern suddenly. "Oh, I'm so scared." I scoffed. "Fuck you and get the hell out of my cafe if you don't want me to kick your ass." He frowned and dragged me to the backside of the cafe by seizing my wrist. Then he pushed me into the party hall and hurriedly locked the door. "What the fuck do you think of yourself? You," "Shut up." He roared, cutting my words. He again grasped my wrist and dragged me to the sofa. He sat down and with a swift motion, he yanked me down and bent me over his lap. He pinned me against the sofa by pressing his hand on my back and locked my legs between his legs. What he is doing? Fear rushed down my spine.
Steamy Stories
The Hot Master
The Hot Master
The Hot Series (Book2) I'm her Hottie Master, her hottie Boyfriend and her hottie Professor, she's my Princess and she will always remain Princess. *** She raised her eyelashes and apologised. "I'm sorry," I snapped at her, cutting her words. "I don't want your sorry. You've hurt me and now you deserve punishment. So that you won't repeat the same mistake next time." I moved closer to her and said, gazing in her dangerously. "I don't want you to put your life in danger again because I can't afford to lose you, Princess." After completing my words, I pushed her away. "I want you in my playroom ready for me in five minutes," I ordered and stormed out of the room after slamming the door in fury. Whenever It comes to my Princess, I lose my temper. I can't let her put her life in danger again because I can't lose her. She's my whole world.
Steamy Stories
The Hot Professor
The Hot Professor
The Hot Series (Book 1) Story Of a Mysterious Professor, a girl full of life and Mr. Stranger. ***** He is not just kissing me, I'm feeling like he's telling me how much he loves me through his soft and gentle kiss. His hands travelled down my spine and grasped my waist. He pulled me closer until no space left between us. Our chest rubbed against each other, arousing our desire. I can hear his heartbeat against my chest. He's taking my breath away from me and giving his breath to me. He's stealing my soul with my breath. **** He gave me a grin as they all student left, I averted my eyes to show him my fake anger. He strolled to the door and shut it close. "Sir, what are you doing?" I asked dramatically as he locked the door. He turned around, his lips drawn up into a naughty smile. "I need to spend some private time with my student." He's sauntering to me, gazing at me, having desires in his bewitching black eyes. My heart started racing, only with the thoughts of what he'll do to me. I'm excited to spend some time with my Hottie Professor in the classroom. This is making me excited. I'm looking at him in anticipation. "But your favourite student is still angry with you." I turned my face on the other side as he reached in front of me. "Then her professor has his own to pacify his favourite student." He cooed, holding my chin with his thumb and finger. As he turned my face to him, I pouted angrily. "Oh, really? So what are those ways ?" I sassed, removing his hand from my chin. As he abruptly grasped my bare waist, I shivered because of his touch. He lifted me from the floor and made me sit on the desk. We gazed into each other eyes passionately in utter silence, the only sound we could hear is our heartbeats. He started coming close to my lips, gazing into my eyes fondly. His warm breath caressing my face.
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